Sunday, April 1, 2012

Thank God It's a rainy sunday!

Happy Sunday <3
I woke up and I'm kinda glad to see it rains , it had been a very sunny week and I have lots of studying to do, so I was postponing that all the time ! :) So I started this morning with coffee , my book and fresh squeezed lemon. I HAVE to finish this , so this weather fits me perfectly :)
For lunch I'll be making quesadillas for my family! Rest of the day I'll spent probably at home, tomorrow is Monday , workday ...
Oh , and have I mention before that Paulo Coelho is my favorite writer? I'm starting to read his book Zahir today! :)
I love beginning of new months,I always try to make something better starting on 1st ! :)) And today it's April 1st, I'm wishing you a lovely month , happy blogging! :)


Скопјево дождливо денес.. ама баш тоа ми требаше! :) Утрото си го поминав со кафенце, лимон и книгата со маркерчиња пред мене. Еден куп за учење , испити за месец дена .. а 4 предмти не сум пипнала :(  Денов дома ќе си го поминам, ќе бидам вредна, на моите за ручек ќе им правам шпанска касадиља , само ќе видиме колку ќе биде успешно хаха :)
Малце ми е криво што времево е за нигде, па вечер нема да можам да шетам да видам што маски ќе има ..:(
Вчера си ја земав Захир од Пауло Коељо па денес планирам да ја почнам со читање. Тоа е се од мене, почеток на месец е , па ви пожелувам да ви биде прекрасен! :)


  1. i tebe april nek ti bide prekrasen i da gi polozis site ispitcinja...

  2. Happy April Fools! :)

  3. Hello Maria, I'm from Brazil and I'm watching the beautiful blog. Good Sunday to you!
    Kisses, muah!

  4. Here in Bucharest is a rainy Sunday too , great blog :*

  5. It's sunny but cold in London, I've had to get the jumpers back out x

  6. Usually, I don't like the rainy weather, but I actually don't mind it today! It's pretty nice to stay in and work on the computer on a rainy day! Welcome to April!

    [your everyday girl,
    writing about guys]

  7. i love rainy days :)
    hope you have a wonderful april!

  8. i hate the rain....i am so happy abot the sunny waether here, and i am also happy about ur comment. just want to say thank you :) see u around

  9. I started my first of April with fooling people, as it was April fool "1st of April" :p
    Hope this month will be good for us. Amin :)

    Follow my blog at

  10. look here, it's my new blog.

    I just started!

  11. Sure we can follow each other & I have followed you first dear
    Follower number 74 :)

  12. Thanks dear for visiting my blog and left me a sweet comment!

