Paris memories nail polish- Lovely pink/lilac colour :) |
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Vintage jewelry collection!
I'm a huge fan of vintage style.. and like every girl I'm a huge jewelry junkie! :)
This vintage jewelry are from my mom and my grandma. I love it , It's classic , pretty , unique! :)
I wanted to share this little collection with you!:)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
INSPIRATION - Bedroom/Headboard decoration!
Hey babes! I love inspirational posts and today again I'm doing one! :) I came across some fun headboard ideas for bedrooms and I wanted to share them with you :)Some of them you can do it yourself :)
Have a lovely day!
Monday, April 23, 2012
REVIEW - Clean&Clear blackhead clearing daily scrub!
It's time for review! :) I was waiting to spent the whole product , so I can be sure with my conclusions. It's Clean&Clear blackhead clearing daily scrub oil-free. I was using this for about couple of months , two times a day, it's a 150ml tube, not expensive at all.
First of all, it's a scrub for blackhead removal, I didn't have many blackheads , but most of them that were there are now gone! And the ones that weren't completely gone, are easy to remove!
Second , it's a scrub , it has this white creamy mass with blue pieces, which are very gentile and give nice exfoliation. I liked it because it didn't dry my skin at all! It wasn't very happy with the exfoliating skills , but I guess it's because it's a daily scrub , It shouldn't be very harsh on the skin.
Third , it's oil-free, so because I have combined skin , this was perfect for me ... oily products.. make me oily!:)
One tip! When your choosing a product , you must know the type of your skin and what you need! :)
Време е за review! :) Чекав да го потрошам целиот продукт пред да направам ревизија на истиот! Се работи за чистач за лице Clean&Clear blackhead clearing daily scrub oil-free. Го користев оклу 2 месеци, го има во Зегин , Тинкес ,Веро и сите поголеми маркери, за цела околѕ 220 денари.
Прво, овој чистач е наменет за отстранување и спречување појава на црнки ( митасери ). Јас лично немав многу, но голем дел од тие што ги имав ги снема, а тие што останаа беа многу лесни за отстранување.
Второ, ова е чистач кој врши добра ексфлорација на лицето, велам добра а не одлична бидејќи е наменет за дневна упореба ( еднаш/двапати на ден ) и затоа има блага формула. Има бела кремаста формула, со мали сини парчиња , многу е лесен,хидрира и воопшто не ја суши кожата
И трето, има безмаслена формула, бидејќи имам комбинирана кожа го одбрав овој без масло, и ми се погоди. Воопшто немав вишок масленост на лицето, дури и ми се намали.
Ви го препорачувам ако имате кожа слична на мојата, има достапна цена , а убаво работи.
Кога бирате производи за кожа ( лице/тело) па и за коса , најдобро е да знаете каква кожа/коса имате, да знаете што ви треба , само така може да го одберете најдобриот продукт!:)
Прво, овој чистач е наменет за отстранување и спречување појава на црнки ( митасери ). Јас лично немав многу, но голем дел од тие што ги имав ги снема, а тие што останаа беа многу лесни за отстранување.
Второ, ова е чистач кој врши добра ексфлорација на лицето, велам добра а не одлична бидејќи е наменет за дневна упореба ( еднаш/двапати на ден ) и затоа има блага формула. Има бела кремаста формула, со мали сини парчиња , многу е лесен,хидрира и воопшто не ја суши кожата
И трето, има безмаслена формула, бидејќи имам комбинирана кожа го одбрав овој без масло, и ми се погоди. Воопшто немав вишок масленост на лицето, дури и ми се намали.
Ви го препорачувам ако имате кожа слична на мојата, има достапна цена , а убаво работи.
Кога бирате производи за кожа ( лице/тело) па и за коса , најдобро е да знаете каква кожа/коса имате, да знаете што ви треба , само така може да го одберете најдобриот продукт!:)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Health tips! What do you know about fruit? / Kako pravilno se jade ovosje?
I'm a little bit obsessed with healthy eating (one good addiction, hooray for me! ) I'm not really into looking skinny and starving myself , I'm a food lover so I try to eat as healthy as I can. When I was teen I wasn't eating properly and I wasn't happy with my body , but since then with proper food & exercise I've come to a normal weight and feeling healthy. Enough talking , let's get to the tips! :)
The question is - What's the right way to eat fruit?
The only right way to eat fruit is on a empty stomach ONLY then , before eating any kind of food! Eating fruit is great for detoxification of your organism, it gives your body energy, makes you looking healthy and slim. If you eat it after a meal it doesn't really go directly in your organism , but it stays over your food in your stomach, spoils and all the vitamins are gone! Eating it on a empty stomach will prevent feeling a bloat , and only lemons and oranges will not make you feel like that because of the acid they contain.
Do you like juice and soda? Well they are not good for you at all! Freshly squeezed juice is one thing, but factory made with conservancies , uh no! ( you knew that right? :) )
Kiwi - small but powerful! they are a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and contains twice as much vitamin C than oranges!
Apple - contains a small percentage of vitamin C, but is a powerful antioxidant and has nutrient in its crust. It increases the action of vitamin C, which reduces the risk of colon cancer, heart and brain stroke.
Strawberry - a fruit which gives great protection! There is a great antioxidant power, and protects the body from the occurrence of cancer, varicose veins blood. Also used as a natural bleach the teeth. This group includes raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and cherries.
Watermelon - is the best fruit for extinguishing thirst! Contains 92% water. Contains vitamin C and potassium.
Guava and Papaya - are the most vitamin C of all fruits! Papaya is also rich in carotene and a good effect on the eyes.
One other tip! Drink lots of water , BUT .. yes there is a big BUT - not cold water right after the meal! Why? Because it slows down the metabolism and the fat on your body just gets ticker! I recommend a cup of green tea! :)
Well, that's it for now, there will be more posts about healthy issues! :)
Имам една добра опсесија! :) А тоа е постојано читање на информации за здрава исхрана и практикување на истото! :) Кога бев помлада не бев задоволна со себе и пробав да ја променам исхраната ( а не диета , НИКАКО! ).Tака и беше , со правилна исхрана и со вежбање , денес сум задоволна со себе, не сум слаба , голем гурман сум , но се чувствувам здраво , што ми е најважно! :)
Сакам да споделам нешто со вас - Како правилно се јаде овошјето?
Не е само да се купи, измие, исече и изеде , кога не се јаде кога треба негативно се одразува на нашето тело. Овошјето се јаде само на празен желудник, никако после јадење. Ако на наполнет желудник додадете овошје, дур се обработи храната , храниливите состојки на овошјето ќе изчезнат и телото ќе складира само масти.А кога се јаде на празен желудник , директно оди во организмот и овозможува детоксификација!
Овошните сокови со конзерванси и газираните , значат само внесување на непотребни калории во организмот! Освежуваат моментално, потоа сакаш уште и уште и ќе се подуеш од нив. Подобро напиј се цедено овошје или уште подобро изеди овошен плод.
А еве и за некои од овошјата...
Киви - мали но моќни! Добар избвор на калиум, магнезиум витамин Е , содржи двојно повеќе витамин Ц од портокалот.
Јаболко - соджи мал процент на витамин Ц , но има антиоксидантска моќ и има хранливост во нејзината кора. Го зголемува активното дејствување на витаминот Ц со што го смалува ризикот од рак на дебелото црево, срцев и мозочен удар.
Јагода - е овошје кое дава голема заштита! Има голема антиоксидантска моќ и го штити организмот од настанување на рак и проширени крвни вени. Исто така се употребува и како природен избелувач на забите.
Во оваа група спаѓаат и малини, капини, боровинки и цреши.
Лубеница - е најдоброто овошје за гасење на жед! Содржи 92% вода. Соджи витамин ц и калиум.
Гуава и Папаја - имаат најголемо количество витамин ц од сите овошја! Папајата е исто така богата со каротен и добро делува на очите.
И уште еден совет... пијте многу вода , но никако ладна после јадење! Тогаш испиената чаша вода го забавува метаболизмот и варењето на храната , па така доаѓа до формирање на нови наслаги на масти и зацврстување на постојаните! Ви препорачувам топла шоља зелен чај :)
Толку за сега.. ќе следат и други совети за здравје! :)))
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Follow me on Tumblr!
Hey all you tumblr addicts :)
I'll be very happy if you follow me on tumblr .. to find me just click here! I'll follow back of course :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Vera Wang never dissapoints!
How amazing are this Vera Wang dresses?! I felt in love in them right away! They are from the 2013 spring bridal collection , I had to post this! :)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Different kind of fairytale! / Една поинаква бајка!
Monday, April 9, 2012
LoveDaStyle #2 Lauren Conrad
Lauren is one of my favourite celebrities ever! I was huge fan of hers back in The Hills days and I miss that show so much! :) She is so beautiful and her style is just amazing ! So feminine, lovely and sexy! I really like her clothing line, It's just so her!
Some of my favorite outfits...
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Lipstick #2 - Kicked up coral!
It's spring time babes and it's time for fun colors!
I've got this new Avon lipstick in the shade kicked up coral. I'm always a little sceptic about trying out new colors, but this past few mounts I have this color fever, picking out the most random colors. So, this new lipstick is so so good! For that price , Avon always has very good lipsticks. This has intense color,it's very creamy and hydrating , I love it!
I've got this new Avon lipstick in the shade kicked up coral. I'm always a little sceptic about trying out new colors, but this past few mounts I have this color fever, picking out the most random colors. So, this new lipstick is so so good! For that price , Avon always has very good lipsticks. This has intense color,it's very creamy and hydrating , I love it!
Wishlist #1 Rose Gold
Hey babes! I'm wanting this Michael Kors watch for so long now , I'm loving the rose gold.. Kors has amazing watches! It's hard to choose one in so many nice ones ! :)
Ah, I hope I get this soon :(
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
LoveDaStyle #1 : Kourtney Kardashian
Hey everyone!
This post will be about style that inspires me and today I choose Kourtney Kardashian.
Kourt is my favorite of the Kardashian sisters. I love her for her personality and I like her style better than Kim and Khloe. Even know with her baby bump she looks amazing! She has changed a bit, with her being a mom now , she is wearing more comfortable cloths , but style is eternal, it can't change.I especially love her everyday/running around outfits , mostly because we have similar style:)
These are some of my favourite outfits!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Thank God It's a rainy sunday!
I woke up and I'm kinda glad to see it rains , it had been a very sunny week and I have lots of studying to do, so I was postponing that all the time ! :) So I started this morning with coffee , my book and fresh squeezed lemon. I HAVE to finish this , so this weather fits me perfectly :)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
March favorites!
It's the end of one of my favorite months. Favorite? Well , first its my birthday and second, spring is waking up from the cold winter and so am I :) Because just one month ago I started this blog this will be my first MONTH FAVORITES ( there will be one every month I hope so ) :) Different kinds of everyday stuff will be here, things that left me some kind of impression or were present a lot in my life during that time.. So let's start!
1. The Hunger Games trilogy
I LOVE THEM! The books are so so so so good! I've read the first one before but this month I read the second and the third book ( Catching Fire & Mochingjay ). March was totally Hunger Games month ,everybody was waiting for the premiere, there were tons of information, interviews, premiers .. where ever you turn there was something about the Hunger Games. I'm so sad that I still haven't seen the movie, but it's not my fault, it's not out where i live :( But I'm a HUGE fan! :)Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Let's talk: Put yourself first
This might seem to you like one of those cliché talks
about confidence, But no matter how high or low our confidence is, everybody
now and then needs a little reminder how precious we are and if we don’t take
care of our self no one will.
So that’s the reason why I decided to write this
(honestly I needed reminder he he :P)
let’s start...
Accept your self & don’t criticize your self –
nobody is perfect.
Set goals and work on them. Start small but dream big,
work step by step.
Let go of the past! Everybody changes, use the
negative into postivie, but start fresh, today is a new day!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
It's just a casual friday
Hello Friday!
I woke up, the sun was shining and it was calling me to go outside! :)BUT It's a work day, everybody had something to do .. and (un)luckily for me I was free all day. So I just had a walk around my neighborhood and the rest of the day I spent it home..uh It's such a lost day for me If it's sunny outside and i spend it home.
So cleaning my room was my best option , I reorganized my book shelf , my jewelry , cleaned around...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Spring standouts 2012!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Two-toned sunnies!
Pastel Blazer!
Bold Jumpsuit!
Cool colar!
Artsy scarf!
If you wanna look trendy for this season , you definitely should have some of this ..
What's your favourite?
Neon knit!
Rebecca Taylor Pointelle-knit Sweater |
Illesteva Le Steel Metal Sunglasses |
Punchy Platforms!
Sergio Rossi Strappy Wedge Sandals |
Pastel Blazer!
Topshop Fluid Longline Blazer |
Bold Jumpsuit!
Rachel Zoe Shawl Collar Jumpsuit |
Novel Necklace!
Orly Genger Thread & Tube Necklace |
Cool colar!
Eleven Objects Silk Collar |
Artsy scarf!
Marc by Marc Jacobs Printed Scarf |
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I'm loving SMASH! (TV Series)
Smash is my new addiction! I’m a total TV series junke,
I admit. Smash is a drama/musical starting Will&Grace star Debra Messing who
is famous song writer living in New York , working on Broadway musicals,
married with one kid, having marital problems, having an affair and all that
drama in between. She starts a new project Marilyn the Musical, working on it
with her best friend/ co-worker played by Christian Borle. And there starts the
drama and ofc the MUSIC! There are actress,
dancers, audition, competition, love, sex, fights...and the big question Who
will have the honor to play Marilyn ?! Katharine McPhee and Megan Hilty
are in that battle, both of them are amazing in their own way, with amazing
voices and the songs are so good!!! You should totally check it out , I highly recommend
it ! J
Enjoy some of the music.. ;)
Smash е мојата нова зараза! Признавам дека гледам многу серии , но оваа ми остави посебен впечаток. Smash е драма/мјузикл , со ѕвездата на Will&Grace Debra Messing која игра улога на автор на песни , живее во Њу Јрок , работејќи на најдобрите престави на Бродвеј. Таа е мажена , има едно дете, но има и афера. Кога ќе почне со новиот проект Marily the Musical , на кого работи со нејзинот
Lipstick #1 - Drawn to you!
Review: Avon’s Colordisiac lipstick
is my favorite lipstick at the moment. I’m totally in love with the color. It’s
Avon’s Colordisiac lipstick in the shade Drawn
to you. It has this pinkish purple color and I think it totally fits its
name. It has super creamy rich formula, smells really nice, easy to apply but carefully
because of the dark color mistakes are easy to spot! :) A thing I don’t like is that It doesn’t last very
long and it makes the lips little dry but after a few hours. But it’s not too
bad. Overall, I really like this product and totally recommend it! :)
Have you tried it? Do you like the color? :)
Let me know!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Photography: Rimini (ITALY)
As I was
reorganizing my photos I run into these pictures from last summer. I was in Italy,
in a little town on the east coast called Rimini. I had such an amazing time,
the beach was spectacular and the sea was lovely. I wanted to share this with
you, because I fell in love with the city...
Have you
ever been there? What’s your favorite place for vacation?
Let me
Bacio ;)
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Timeless Beauty. It’s Monica Bellucci ! For D&G S/S 2012!
Monica Anna
Maria Bellucci born in 1964 and still looks as goddess! She is my definition of
a beautiful woman, always have always will. And when Stefano says: ‘She
expresses perfectly the Dolce & Gabbana woman. She is ravishing – a true
Italian icon.’ Domenico is just as complimentary about the actress, describing
her beauty as ‘timeless’ and adding that she ‘never fails to inspire us. So
this makes sense that she is the muse for the new limited edition Dolce &
Gabbana makeup – and the Monica Lipstick Collection.
In the
campaign, Bianca Balti and Monica
Bellucci play the matriarchs of a traditional Italian family. Captured by
Giampaolo Sgura in Southern Italy, the images depict Sunday mornings with the
label’s colorful dresses and lingerie inspired tops. I’m in love in Italy, so
the video and the pictures are AMAZING to me…and I think to all of you! Am I
right ? What do you think? Let me know!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
INSPIRATION! Home decoring – ideas!
It’s Sunday! And usually on Sundays
I’m at home most of the day. As today as I was cleaning around and organizing,
I was wondering what I have to change something in my home, so I started
searching for ideas. I found some good ones and I thought it might be a good
blog post! So here is it.
I love changing things around my home, keeping
it new and fresh with just few steps. Your home is reflection of who you are,
your likes and dislikes, your needs and luxury, your personal touch etc.
BUT, there are some things you
can change in every home!
- Repaint the walls! Choose some fun color, something unexpected and build this around so it gets a complete look of the room.
- Change the curtains! With this you change only one thing and you make it feel like a completely new room. For the upcoming season, choose some bright, fun color or some nice print.
- Flowers! No matter what size, no matter what color. Keep at least few of them in the room. In the living room you can have flowers in pot if you have enough sun light and flowers in vase you can put in every room. I just love to came into a room and see flowers!
- Pillows! You can keep it simple with one color one size, or you can play around with them. My advice is to get a lot of different ones, size, shapes, and colors.
- Find some piece of furniture that stands out, maybe some vintage or ultra-modern. The important thing is to be noticed right away when someone enters the room.
Enough talking, lets visualize!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
NAILS: Summer dream!
It’s pretty cold outsite, at the moment percicly 1
degree Celsius BUT my mind aches for summer!For warm wheater , beach, coctails !
And when that happens , those are the consequenses … :)
Прилично е
ладно надвор, точно во моментов 1 степен, НО летото од глава не ми излага, сакам
топло време, сонце, плажа, колктелчиња ммм... и да , ова се последиците...:)
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Make-up: Пролет/Лето 2012 ! Spring/Summer 2012 ! TRENDS!
Stella McCartney - Стилистот Eugene Souleiman создаде класична пунџа, која дава младешки изглед. “Малце бушава напред, но многу остра и чиста одзади”тој вели. (Создава текстура на круната , па нанесува средство кое ќе ја држи цврста, па зацврстува со шноли). McGrath се одлучи вниманието да биде на очите, сина маскара.
"Stella says, ‘I
love it when girls wear colored mascara."
Pastel Lips and Neon Nails
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